All the wines you will find here come from small, independent, owner-run businesses who are able to demonstrate a clear passion for their profession and a level of technical expertise in their winemaking to deliver superior quality in the bottle. Most are highly rated by wine critcs, such as Robert Parker and most have very limited production runs. Though it is not an absolute selection criteria on our part, we find that in their pursuit of excellence, almost all of the wines are from organic/bio producers and a number are also biodynamic in their farming.
Regions we cover
We personally search out and directly import the wines that we believe all people want to find when they are looking to buy a bottle; that is discovery wines that are great value and have been truly hand-crafted, not machine “manufactured”.
Unique wine tasting events at Art galleries and unusual venues in Zurich
We run quarterly evening degustation events using unusual and interesting spaces in Zurich such as the Tesla Car showroom, the Danske Mobel Kunst and a series of art galleries. This gives unique access to the Vinique wine selection for tasting as well as discounted pricing only available on the evening.
Limited quantity wines with extra discounts and special offers
To keep our pricing as competitive as possible and to encourage people to order a selection, we always offer a 10% discount for ordering 12 bottles, or more, which can be mixed. We also regularly offer additional discounts on wines that are at the end of a vintage (Bin ends) and only a few bottles remain.
Contact information
Telephone - 043 343 9579
email -
Vinique GmbH
Escherweg 10
Adliswil 8134
All rights reserved 2015 - Vinique GmbH